About Us » SLOs (Student Learning Outcomes)

SLOs (Student Learning Outcomes)

Hamilton High School SLOs

C: Character and Integrity

  • Uphold an appreciation for diversity and civic responsibility
  • Follow and respect schoolwide expectations
  • Participate actively within the school family and community

A: Academically Engaged

  • Demonstrate initiative for continuous acquisition of knowledge (lifelong learners)
  • Generate questions, analyze data, and develop solutions independently
  • Engage in rigorous work through rubrics with real life applications for college and career readiness

T: Think Critically

  • Communicate effectively and efficiently 
  • Solve problems in conventional and innovative ways
  • Share responsibility and be mindful of opinions and contributions of others
  • Technologically adept

S: Self-Directed Learners

  • Develop fundamental skills for transition to life, college, and careers
  • Engage in challenging, independent and collaborative educational pursuits in and out of the classroom
  • Develop accountability through reflection and self-evaluation of their learning and growth